Increase profits with remote monitoring and inventory control

Manage your business from the comfort of your office or couch with Fastcorp DIVI™ and DIVI Regulated™s remote monitoring system and inventory control.

Offering 24/7/365 real-time reposts and notifications on sales performance, usage, functionality, and maintenance, you can simplify your business and multiply the number of venues you have, monitoring each at a distance.

When dealing with machines remotely – possibly multiple machines as we have said – inventory management is not your only concern. Your machine is sophisticated and has many moving parts and processes that all need to align to offer the best customer experience possible.

At the simplest level your machine has to have power to work, and If your machine gets unplugged, or is due for routine maintenance that you fail to keep up with, you may have down time resulting in un-needed loss of sales and a smudge on your reputation.

With remote monitoring there is no need to worry about such things. DIVI is constantly monitoring its own functions and communicating with the remote monitoring system. DIVI will prompt notifications if things are not as they should be, and power supply interruptions are reported in real time to the portal. You will always be alerted when your machine needs attention!

Know when to restock

Until recently, knowing when to restock your vending machines was more of an art than a science. If you had a service number on your machine, you would receive calls complaining that you were out of those little ice cream tacos your customers enjoy so much. Or perhaps you relied on knowing your machines’ cycles from experience; in the summer, your machines need to be restocked every 3 weeks, and in the off-season, you can stretch it to 2 months! But what about that ad hoc event, did you run out of stock?

Did you miss out on sales?

The only other method was to “go and check”. If you don’t know your cycles and don’t want to wait for customers to complain, then you’re stuck physically going to the machine location… or if you’re lucky enough to have multiple machines, the multiple locations! You had to bring products, potentially wasting gas, money, and time checking your various machines.

None of these methods are ideal, and all leave room for error.

It would be so much easier to simply be notified when a product is running low in a bin or is out completely.

Remote monitoring with DIVI machines allows you to receive prompts when it’s time to restock your product. Take the guess work out of your inventory management and let DIVI do the monitoring for you, leaving you to enjoy your free time, knowing your sales won’t stop when you are out enjoying time with friends and family.

Monitor machine operations

When dealing with machines remotely – possibly multiple machines, as we have said – inventory management is not your only concern. Your machine is sophisticated and has many moving parts and processes that must align to offer the best customer experience possible.

At the simplest level, your machine has to have power to work, and If your machine gets unplugged or is due for routine maintenance that you fail to keep up with, you may have downtime, resulting in an unnecessary loss of sales and a smudge on your reputation.

With remote monitoring, there is no need to worry about such things. DIVI is constantly monitoring its own functions and communicating with the remote monitoring system. DIVI will prompt notifications if things are not as they should be, and power supply interruptions are reported in real-time to the portal. You will always be alerted when your machine needs attention!

The DIVI dashboard

Remote monitoring sounds great, right? Well, it’s all thanks to DIVI’s remote monitoring dashboard; easily accessed via a secure, password protected, online portal. Track your machines by locations and serial numbers and get valuable insight to streamline your vending business. The portal offers features such as…
  1. Transaction monitoring – cashless as well as cash.
  2. Units sold by bin.
  3. Units sold overall.
  4. Machine downtime – Know when your machine is unplugged or down.
  5. Door opening – get notified if the machine has been opened. Connectivity level –
  6. Know your machine has a proper signal to the IOT
  7. Reporting – View and download custom, specific KPIs.

In summary

Fastcorp ensures your vending operations experience is as simple and carefree as possible!

DIVI’s remote monitoring is a feature offered on all our machines. Take advantage of the portal and make sure your machine is stocked, running, and making those sales!

To learn more about DIVI and its capabilities, download the DIVI brochure here…

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