WP2 – The Business of Ice Cream
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It’s been a long scorching hot day at the ballpark, and you’re thirsty, but there’s a crazy line at concessions…
You spy a vending machine off to the side and eagerly approach. It’s not a Fastcorp™ machine, but that’s ok. You just need a drink!
You press a few buttons and select an ice-cold bottle of beer. Yup you read that correct… a beer! Regulated products are becoming more popular in vending machines thanks to new technology. More on that in another post…back to the story.
You’re imagining that first refreshing sip when Bang! You awake from your reverie to the sound of your beer tumbling down a product chute and crashing into the delivery door like – like that home base runner you just watched on the field, completely out of control.
Your beer has been bumped, banged, tumbled, and tossed. You’re so darn parched, but you know your refreshment is now ready to spray at the first twist of the cap.
Worse still, you realize it has broken INSIDE the delivery bin! Your lovely cold beverage is spilling everywhere. Now some yellow jackets have gathered to partake and are buzzing round the vending machine. You are certainly not making another purchase now, and someone will have to call the operator to clean it all up!
What’ya do?… Read on to learn how Fastcorp’s precision product handling makes this frustrating situation a thing of the past.
Fastcorp has a unique solution for dealing with carbonated, glass, or otherwise delicate products. Unlike traditional vending machines that rely on spiral delivery or product chute, Fastcorp’s DIVI™ implements a Selective Compliance Articulated Robot Arm.
We’ll call it SCARA for short.
Commonly used in the automotive and manufacturing industry, the SCARA robot excels at “pick and place” operations. This means it functions like a human arm; utilizing its jointed two-link design, the SCARA will lift the product from its bin and move it directly to the delivery pad for retrieval. With a full range of motion on its X-axis, while bolted into place on the Y-axis, SCARA can deftly handle and deliver products to the delivery bin without the rough ride of a product chute.
SCARA’s robotic vacuum delivery system is customizable to different product needs. Choose from three diameters of picker tips (1.5-inch, 2-inch, or 2.77-inch) based on your product’s shape, weight, and bulk. The larger the picker tip, the larger the surface area exposed to suction and the more stable the vend process.
Did you know DIVI and SCARA can handle products up to 4lbs!
To further ensure a safe journey for all your products, Fastcorp has developed its leading-edge Soft Drop technology.
Standard on all DIVI machines, Soft Drop allows you to customize the distance the SCARA vacuum hose and picker tip descend before releasing your product into the delivery bin.
Release from full height for fast vend turnaround on durable products, or set your hose to lower directly inside the delivery bin before releasing delicate items.
All product is delivered onto 4.5 inches of soft foam to ensure a gentle landing.
Gone are the days of shaken beverages or banged-up products!
Fastcorp’s Precision Product Delivery System gives you full control over the movement and release of your valuable products onto a soft delivery pad. Set your parameters to best suit your products and vending style.
If you want to keep customers coming back and want to keep delivering products in their top form, make sure all your vending processes incorporate Fastcorp’s Soft Drop and Vend Delay Feature!
I’m not yet convinced it’s for me – download the white paper you’ve caught my attention – download the Ideas Guide Book a no-obligation mututal
The Very Serious Business of Ice Cream. You love your brand, you want to grow your brand, but you haven’t got the staff and capital investment is short. Learn How
Enjoy life . . . eat more ice cream from a DIVI Frozen. Read how Tom Costa balanced family life and increased profits with Fastcorp in Dickinson, TN